

お知らせ 提訴





13:00  事前集会

13:20~ 福島市市民会館から福島地裁までデモ行進
13:30  福島地方裁判所に提訴
14:10~ 記者会見&報告集会
16:00  閉会

9月8日 提訴事前行動と記者会見・報告会のライブ配信をします!
ALPS処理汚染水差止訴訟 提訴行動(完全版)事前集会・デモ行進・記者会見&報告会

Updates on September 5, 2023: The ALPS-Treated Contaminated Water Injunction Lawsuit will be filed at Fukushima District Court on September 8, 2023.

On August 24, 2023, the national government and TEPCO forced the dumping of ALPS-treated contaminated water into the ocean.


Although they say they will keep their written promise with fishers that they “will not take any measures without the understanding of stakeholders,” they ignored the strong opposition not only from Fukushima Prefectural Fisheries Associations, but also from fisheries nationwide.  

Claiming that they “gained some understanding” is an incorrect policy decision.


We cannot allow the dumping of ALPS-treated contaminated water that will inflict more suffering on the victims of the nuclear disaster and further contaminate the ocean, ignoring many voices, in addition to fisheries, from in and outside Japan which are against the dumping into the ocean.


Fishers and people will fight back and file a lawsuit in the Fukushima District Court on September 8, 2023, to halt the dumping of ALPS-treated contaminated water.